A spell shield for your Reddit feed

A Safari extension that casts a protective shield over your Reddit feed. Filter unwanted posts with keywords, remove promoted content, hide automoderator comments, and more!

Designed exclusively for Safari on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Vision Pro.

Safari app running on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Vision Pro

How It Works

Protego provides an intuitive filtering system that puts you in control of your Reddit experience. Whether browsing your home feed or exploring subreddits, simply add keywords to filter out content you'd rather not see. Each keyword creates a powerful filter that works across both post titles and descriptions, ensuring thorough content filtering.
Want to filter multiple variations of a word? Use the wildcard feature (*) for flexible matching. For example, "politic*" will match politics, political, and politician. Add multiple keywords at once using comma separation, and your filters take effect instantly with no page refresh needed.


Keyword Filtering

Filter unwanted posts based on keywords in titles and descriptions. Add multiple keywords at once using comma separation.

Wildcard Support

Use wildcards for flexible matching - 'politic*' matches 'politics', 'political', and more.

AutoModerator Control

Automatically collapse or hide all automoderator comments on any post.

Block Promoted Posts

Block promoted posts and ads across Reddit feeds and posts.

Old Reddit Redirect

Automatically to old.reddit.com when visiting Reddit or opening Reddit links.

Import & Export

Backup or share your keyword lists easily. Your filters are stored locally for privacy

Before Filtering

Protego Safari extension filtering unwanted posts from Reddit

With Protego disabled, you can see multiple posts containing "harry" in the titles and descriptions. The wildcard filter "harr*" would match these posts, but since filtering is turned off, all posts are visible.

After Filtering

Protego Safari extension filtering unwanted posts from Reddit

With Protego enabled and the wildcard filter "harr*" active, posts containing words like "harry" are automatically hidden from your feed. The extension checks both post titles and descriptions, ensuring a thorough filtering experience.

Perfect For

  • Avoiding spoilers for shows and movies
  • Filtering political content
  • Hiding topics that don't interest you
  • Maintaining a positive browsing experience
  • Customizing your Reddit feed

Important Notes

  • Filtering works on feed views (home page, subreddits)
  • Keywords match against post titles and text descriptions only
  • Cannot detect text within images or videos
  • Keywords must be spelled correctly for matching

Ready to take control of your Reddit feed?
